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Event Description
Our CEO, Sanjay Kucheria, will be delivering a workshop on leveraging ‘Data Analytics as a Competitive Advantage to Grow Your Business’ at the upcoming NMSDC conference in Atlanta from Oct 13-16. Sanjay will be joined by Joan Kerr, Director Supplier Diversity at Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E).
This workshop will update your understanding of how digital transformation and data analytics are changing your market. Learn how to use data analytics to gain visibility into your business and improve the value you provide to your customer. Identify leading/predictive indicators essential for your business to anticipate customer needs. Define the data and measures essential for your company to meet customer expectations, maintain profitable operations and anticipate changes in the market.
The session will be held at 11:30 AM ET on October 14th
Please visit http://www.nmsdcconference.com/ for more information about the overall event agenda.
* Certain restrictions apply. Winner must be present to win.