A global pandemic only emphasized the need and speed of advanced analyticscreating yet another surge in demand and progression. 



Before COVID-19 hit, industry leaders had continuously been investing in business intelligence and advanced analytics. Along with artificial intelligence and cloud computing, these developments had been considered disruptive, with their expected annual economic value being just over $10 trillion.  

Fast forward a year into the pandemic and advanced analytics are at the core of the strenuous fight against COVID-19. Experts are employing both predictive and prescriptive analytics for many purposes: contact tracing, pattern detection, real-time data for providers and more. Advanced analytics have become a key component in understanding the future of the virus and combating the virus more efficiently. 



Due to the large volume of cases, patients and data, a crisis of this capacity requires scalable, agile and efficient systems. Thanks to current digital technologies like advanced analytics, our response to the global pandemic has been quick and proactive. We have the necessary platforms to provide real-time data across different providers all over the world, with remarkable data visualizations that are further helping us understand COVID-19.  

Advanced analytics’ capability of algorithmic detection is also acting as a vital player. These algorithms provide us with important insights, like how the virus replicates and how to treat it. The discoveries being made now could potentially help us fight any bacterial infections or viruses in the future.  

During this period, advanced analytics have also been a significant tool in helping other organizations navigate the pandemic. Advanced analytics are supporting businesses with their predictive qualities by providing accurate forecasting and analyzing disruptions in supply-chain management. They are also helping in detecting which safety protocols and interventions have been successful. 

While acknowledging how remarkable modern technology is, the pressure of timing still very much hangs over the healthcare industry with the world anticipating the vaccines and their success rate, in hopes of returning to normal. Now we see the toll a pandemic has taken on our everyday practices, and technology leaders are still working towards the ability to be nimble as the virus spreads. The question becomes, how do we advance our technology and vaccine development, while remaining compliant with standard health and safety protocols? 



One of the disruptive ways COVID-19 impacted the nation and the world was by shining a light on our digital systems and the extent of the digital transformation journeys of private sector companies and public sector agencies. Businesses across every industry learned what they were lacking in, what worked in optimizing their processes, and what the path forward needed to be. It became clear that in order to be better prepared and proactive in any world crises, the power of data is unmistakably necessary.  

Our hope is that both public health organizations and everyday businesses will be transformed in the best way possible because of COVID-19. The past year has been one of trying times, and our only way out is to learn from it to understand what is needed in the future. Necessities vary from business to business, and whether it be advanced analytics or artificial intelligence or cloud computingTrinus is here to help you pave the way to a sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future. 

