Data democratization is the need of the age today. But this means much more than providing business users with data access. Business or non-technical users must now:

  • Work with data
  • Extract valuable insights
  • Make data-driven business decisions.

And much more!

Effectively, data democratization helps reduce organizational dependence on technical data experts. With data visualization tools like Tableau, business users can easily interpret useful patterns and trends from the presented data. In short, visualization tools enable every business user to easily access data and use it for actionable insights.

We are now moving from democratizing data to democratizing insights. Thanks to data visualization, actionable insights are available to every stakeholder within the organization. With direct access to actionable insights, these stakeholders and business users are more likely to streamline their decision-making processes.

To that end, let’s dive deep into why business users need data visualization.


Why Do Business Users Need Data Visualization?

When done right, data visualization serves as a powerful tool for business users and other enterprise stakeholders. For instance, visualized data can prevent unforeseen losses through critical insights into enterprise KPIs.

Similarly, a powerful data visualization and business intelligence (BI) tool like Tableau enables companies to target new markets and demographics for sales opportunities. As organizations deal with growing data volumes, visualization is the only way business users can make sense of data patterns and insights.

Here are four reasons why business users require a data visualization tool like Tableau:

1. To Improve Data Analysis

With its data analysis functionality, a visualization tool like Tableau enables business users to focus on specific business areas. Using visualized data, they can quickly understand and devise business strategies for improving sales or operations.

2. Improves Their Decision-Making Skills

Thanks to detailed & interactive visualization, business users can process visualized data more efficiently than data in the form of manual spreadsheets or reports. They can effectively improve their decision-making abilities using insights from visualized data.

3. Better Engagement with the Data

When data is visually presented, business users are more engaged and involved with it. Further, multiple business users and stakeholders can collaborate and share valuable data insights. By building a stronger emotional connection, data visualization can drive higher engagement and action.

4. Identify Market or Industry Trends Early

Be it any industry, data visualization enables business users and decision-makers to identify data patterns over a longer period. For instance, sales managers can leverage current and past sales data to forecast product sales and other KPIs. They can also predict industry trends and any change in customer behavior.

Next, let’s discuss how visualization makes data more accessible and actionable for business users.


How Data Visualization Makes Data More Accessible & Actionable for Business Users

Besides access, data visualization enables business users to discover patterns and trends, something that’s not easy with traditional forms of data representation. Here are 6 data functions illustrated by data visualization:

  • Data distribution highlights the data spread over time or other factors.
  • Data comparison highlights the correlated data between two (or more) dimensions.
  • Change over time highlights how measured data changes over time.
  • Data flow highlights the data path from one point to another.
  • Spatial data highlights data patterns related to its location and position.
  • Part to Whole highlights the data part (or section) as a subsection of the whole (or total data).


Here’s how a data visualization tool like Tableau enables business users to extract actionable insights:

  1. Democratizes data in the hands of the business user, thus enabling them to identify any issues and improve their response time.
  2. Offers a “bird’s eye” view of business operations to users while enabling them to check out relevant details by drilling down into the presented data.
  3. Enables business users to locate any data errors and inaccuracies – and resolve them swiftly.
  4. Provides decision-makers with real-time and on-demand data to improve operational efficiency and productivity.
  5. Promotes data-driven storytelling, thus providing an engaging way to deliver the business message to the target audience.
  6. Saves valuable time that would otherwise be spent on customizing & understanding business reports – or responding to ad-hoc requests.


In a Nutshell

Data democratization is not restricted to simply providing business users with access to organizational data. It’s also about actionable insights that can help them make more informed decisions. This is where data visualization is a complete asset for business users and stakeholders.

Trinus has enabled various businesses to unlock the true potential of data with its Business Intelligence & Analytics service. By partnering with Tableau, our team of visualization experts has helped companies create visually engaging representations of crucial business information. This has enabled business users to track key metrics and KPIs against defined business objectives.

Looking to leverage the capabilities of Tableau? We can help. Contact us today!